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Vaccine May Make COVID Worse!

Gee Gee Tee
Gee Gee Tee - 830 Vues
830 Vues
Publié le 16 May 2020 / Dans

Rand Paul absolutely demolished the wannabe tyrant Anthony Fauci and exposed the absurdity of his continued economic suicide policies.

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Johnny Exodice
Johnny Exodice 4 années depuis

It is good that everyone is [doing their best] [{**}] too prepare for the END OF this TIME line as we are now getting (Very Close) +=+ to the NEXT MUD FLOOD RESET……..., and it would be no grand imagination to say These Celestial Sphere “Electromagnetic” REBOOTS do happen even in a Living Breathing Celestial Sphere {home world} of PURGATORY known as our FLAT DUAL EARTH of Heaven…….., and Hell…

That said……., I thought you might “enjoy to see” [{*}] what the D.U.M.B.S. of the world have always enjoyed in their UNDERGROUND /_\ Civilization and Society……., as they play with we THE HUMANS / * \ on the Top Side of the Soil “all over” this LOGUNS RUN world…..., and since we can TAKE OUT Mechanization and Machines as large “and impressive” as The EDISON of Forced SLAVE LABOR Technology in Santa Barbara CALIFORNIA USA….., then our “next move” besides them “2 CONTINENTS” left off of these “Global Citizens” WORLD MAP with their (COVID19) GLOBAL GOVERNMENT of the “W.H.O.” UNITED NATIONS International Mafia “FLAG” of flags is to get into these Below our Feet Cities….., and destroy all their THEY LIVE “5G Eugenics” Sorcery…., and Magical INCANTATION “Devices” before we are all FORCED VACCINATED..., or put into RED FLAG LAW Mental “Sanatoriums” of BAT MANS “Ark-ham” Asylums for life!!!!

The Joker~

At 1:30 in this video..., you will see the FLAG of INDIA.., and you can also see this “U.N. FLAG” of INDIA in the Republic of FLORIDA where at The Ramada it., and the Florida STATE Flag they BOTH Fly Under This “U.S. FLAG” that is the ACT of 1871 UNITED NATIONS MILITARY BRANCH!!!

At 4:43 STOP It and look at that Building, and can you any longer Doubt there are many UNDERGROUND Functional Buildings with just the TOPS of their 70 Stories of Masonry only showing 5 to 3 Stories in this FLAT EARTH of Cataclysm and MUD FLOOD RESETS.?.?.?.?.? If you know “nothing” about MUD FLOODS go look into (Jon Levi) on Youtube……., and you will find the other FLAT EARTH Magical Academy “Professors” and Teachers and Instructors like ODDTV...

The Green hat`


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Johnny Exodice
Johnny Exodice 4 années depuis

And The Teacher Spoke…, You DID NOT Get Left Behind if that is what you think is happening at this time for if you actually could conceptualize THE WORD, then you would know the word BIBLE means Biblical that Means Book of Books, and it is just one of many LIES and DECEPTIONS and False Narratives your FREE MASON Preachers have fed you, and if you continue to walk down this land of the missing thinking this is the Punishment of G.O.D., then you will never take your right to Think for Your Self, Believe in Your Self, and you surely shall lose your Right to Exist just as you have Lost The RIGHT to raise even your own children with THE BOOK OF KNOWLEDGE!!! I have the Holy Water Spirit, and I still walk among you and S.A.T.A.N. was the EDISON that we have just Destroyed, yet the L.U.C.I.F.E.R. that would the The Devil 1.0 where SATAN was The Devil 2.0, and in that` you must help WE THE PEOPLE, and Human Souls that remain too take out all “5G Eugenics” Weapons of Mass Surveillance, and Mass Motorization Mechanization known as HYPNOTISM by the TV MEDIA MATRIX where once we take over all “Television Shows” and YouTube Type Channels then all people will know we live in this Celestial Sphere Dual Flat Earth of Heaven and Hell right here in PURGATORY “always trapped” in this ETERNAL MOMENT as Celestial Beings in these Flesh and Blood and Bones TEMPORARY Temporal Corporeal Mortal Body TEMPLE Avatars!!!! Moreover, we are The New Wine Skins known as Pak-Toe “of and for” OUR WORLD REPUBLIC CONSTITUTION Coalition, and we WILL NOT put up with any more Racka from you OLD WINE SKINS, or your old ways of this SLAVE MASTER Mentality where you think you own something when it actually owns you cause you think you can not live without it, be it a Person, a Planet that does not exist, or pieces of METALS and GEM STONES that are grown in the Fucking Ground!!!! Worthless has been your whole way of life, and if I Christ Jesus RETURNED wanted to judge you, then you would not WALK among “we the people” be you a FREE MASON Lodge member or not!!! Do not think because I am respectful that I do not know YOUR Crimes and Treachery and SEDITION to our Human Souls, Spirits, and Symbiots, and I do not FORGIVE YOU for that, nor will I ever forget all your protection of them that do YOUNG TRANNY SEX Websites and Human Trafficking FORCED SLAVE LABOR, but now that THE BOOK OF NONMASON – THE BOOK OF PUZZLES – THE BOOK OF RIDDLES shows “what” every Eastern Star, Jobs Daughters, Rainbow Girls, DEMOLAY and Shriners are all about, you will never “be safe” too hurt and harm and hit……., and get away with it anymore as long as THE SOCIETY OF NONMASON walk among “WE ARE” the Human Hearts of this Realm and all others… The Book of EXODICE!!!


The Society of nonmason~

Do not throw away “anything” that you can give to a Neighbor……., and more important as this MUD FLOOD RESET “Begins” in 2020 of the Current TIME LINE, do watch these Coreligionist…..., and how they want you to “DESTROY” all things connected to the PRE MUD FLOOD {Alien Invasion} of PROJECT BLUE BEAM known as (COVID19) for the C.F.R. and W.H.O. [U.N. Troops] are Burning Books to all past ways and that is “no big deal” for we THE NEW WINES SKINS, but Mega Churches are the INDOCTRINATION CENTERS “for the” NEW WORLD ORDER, and they are all FREE MASON Fucks!!!

The Commander~


BOOK TWO OF RIDDLES can now be {DOWNLOADED} +=+ from Johnny Exodice “for free” at

The Green hat`

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Bjalex1 4 années depuis

The Devils sidekick

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