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UN chief on International Day of UN Peacekeepers 2020

Johnny Exodice
Johnny Exodice - 237 Bekeken
237 Bekeken
gepubliceerd op 14 Nov 2020 / In Film en Animatie

António Guterres (UN Secretary-General) on International Day of UN Peacekeepers (29 May 2020).

Today we honor more than one million men and women who have served as United Nations peacekeepers and the more than 3,900 who have lost their lives in the line of duty.

We also express our gratitude to the 95,000 civilian, police and military personnel currently deployed around the world.

They are facing one of the greatest challenges ever: delivering on their peace and security mandates while helping countries to address the COVID-19 pandemic.

The theme of this year’s observance – Women in Peacekeeping – highlights their central role in our operations.

Women often have greater access in the communities we serve, enabling us to improve the protection of civilians, promote human rights and enhance overall performance.

This is especially important today, as female peacekeepers are on the frontlines in supporting the response to COVID-19 in already fragile contexts – using local radio to spread public health messaging, delivering necessary supplies to communities for prevention, and supporting efforts of local peacebuilders. Yet, women continue to represent only 6 per cent of uniformed military, police, justice and corrections personnel in field missions.

As we commemorate the 20th anniversary of Security Council Resolution 1325 on Women, Peace and Security, we must do more to achieve women’s equal representation in all areas of peace and security.

Together, let us continue to wage peace, defeat the pandemic and build a better future.

International Day of UN Peacekeepers (29 May) website:

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Johnny Exodice
Johnny Exodice 3 jaar geleden  

Remember, Remember, The 5th of December…

WE ARE REVELATION…, WE do not forgive…, We Do NOT COMPLY!!!! Game Over~ In days such as these where even the Anonymous Group was just one more Halloween Merry Christmas EASTER BUNNY Fake Space Moon Landing of them these FAKE JEWS from the Book of Revelation in that Book of Books The Biblical: we can see that Qanon is nothing more then WAR IS MURDER Worship, and what happened to people like RICHIE FROM BOSTON, AMTV, and Lisa Haven whom no longer talk about JADE HELM 15, let alone that ALL CORPORATIONS are Fascist as well as OUR RELIGIONS are all doing Collusion and are COMPLICIT with the U.N. Jesuit Zionist FREE MASON {NEWS} World Order Military EMPIRE??? For it was Lisa Haven that told me about, and yet now she WORSHIPS The Flag of the USA that is nothing more then one more PEACEKEEPER U.N. Troops Military Arm of Special Forces known as G4S Mercs from Generals to even our Next Lower Level CEO U.S. Corporation C.O.P.S. President.?.?.?

I do not know how often you’m have De-Ja-Vu where you say: I have done this before…. Let Alone when you are LIVING THE DREAM where you know and see everything that happened in a Dream be it Months ago to Years long in your past, and as we walk these DAYS OF NOAH where the People have gone insane allowing the People we do so EMPLOY called OUR EMPLOYEES this U.S. Government, they have all taken a BLOOD OATH to these FREE MASON Lodges in our home towns and are Oath Breakers to their OATH OF OFFICE this U.S. Constitution as all Military YOUTH in the USA are nothing more then U.N. Troops of JADE HELM 15, and how did THEY LIVE “replaced” our People and become the George Floyd TV Show of Antifa and BLACK LIVES MATTERS??? JADE HELM 15 made by the U.S. Air Force and the U.N. Military Empire replace our White Americans with White Russians. And they look just like White People, Talk Just like White people of America, but they are Russian Youth in our Police, Government, and U.S. Military…

Not only that, These people whom are LOYAL only to these FREE MASON lodges replaced all American BLACK People in our Police, and National Guard cause these so called BLACK AMERICANS are Africans, and then the same steps with OUR {Asian Americans} whom are actually Chinese Communist [pretending] @Qball~ /_\ too be Japanese American, Korean, China Towns with access too all them 2nd Amendment Weapons, and it is repeated down into the Latino Populations where People from {Hostile Countries} in Central and South America PRETEND to be Mexican Americans, and when you have such numbers as this [in control] of the U.S. NAVY be they White Russians, Black Africans, Brown and Light Skin Asians too Latinos “all trained” as children in these FREE MASON Lodges as Demolay – Jobs Daughters – Rainbow Girls, and then you use this FAKE SPACE called {A Lie Agreed Upon} to Wipe out all U.S. Citizens, and Replace them with these FREE MASON “Spies” of SEDITION cause they will kill you……., and then THEY LIVE just put Their “Face” on your NATIONAL I.D., and become you and your dead FAMILY Members right here in the Good Ole USA U.N. World Police…

The Only way to Take down the U.S. Citizens was to use MUD FLOOD Replacement Populations where White People are Russians, Black People are Africans, and so on and so forth till in 2020 These INVADERS got places as The Youth of A Nation called AMERICAN CITIZENS on all NEWS that are in on JADE HELM 15 aka Renamed in Masonic Code known as (COVID19) and soon they will Crash the Stock Market, and have all these QANON that have Replaced your Police and U.S. Military do FORCED VACCINATIONS just as Trump the Chump said: We are Rolling out the Pfizer Corona VAXXED, and it won’t be your Moms and Dads or Sons and Daughters in the U.S. Military taking you to WALMART FEMA CAMPS, it will be all these Pretenders hiding in their FREE MASON Lodges for their Day of Days when all Americans bow down to the U.N. Flag…

Johnny Exodice

You would do well to review the old ALEX JONES JADE HELM 15 Movies, and others whom made great strides to show you how the U.S. Military was being REPLACED with U.N. Troops way back in 1961, and after REX 84 we are now 50 years down the road since this TAKE OVER of the largest MILITARY in the World, and once all U.S. Military are swaped out with U.N. Troops whom look just like Americans, Talk just like Americans, and Kill and do WAR IS MURDER, then Purgatory will become the Hell you {keep praying} I Christ Jesus RETURNED would do, but as Christ Jesus RETURNED, you need to know [your children] are first to be murdered by U.S. Police and all PATRIOTIC Departments on The Day of Days that (THEY LIVE) do so choose too Take Away the U.S. Military EMPIRE from “we the people” the last remaining U.S. Citizens…

The Society of nonmason~

Go to these so called PATRIOTIC Events, Study them Kids in your {U.S. Academies} cause they are not U.S. Citizens, they are AMERICAN CITIZENS known as FREE MASON Lodge Members from Russia – Africa – Latin Countries, and Chinese PRETENDING to be Japan and Korea People… The time is short, so know your enemy…

The Sentinel…

EVERY ONE on TV is a FREE MASON, and they have not just “played” the USA, but any and all BLUE EYED Nations for we {Blue Eyes} are to be the GREAT Sacrificial to their God Lucifer that SATAN, and Devil, and Demon, known as the [Fallen Angels] of Heaven LOYAL ONLY TO THE UNITED NATIONS and not one U.N. FLAG “Member” State not even ISRAEL… These U.N. Troops were always JADE HELM 15 Spies, and (they are) +=+ in all NATIONS Most High Military Positions…

The Commander~


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