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#OneLess - One Less Ar-15 is a good thing right? 904Outdoors changes sides?!

904Outdoors - 507 Views
Published on 30 Sep 2018 / In Film and Animation

#OneLess - One Less Ar-15 is a good thing right? 904Outdoors changes sides?!

Did 904Outdoors change sides? It's time we cut up our ar-15 rifles, and throw them away! Or Even Better! Send them to 904Outdoors for "Proper Disposal"! Proper Disposal" is key to make sure these SCARY MACHINES are off the streets!

Obviously this video was made making fun of "Anti-Everything-Good Idiots"...

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DarkTheNoble 6 years ago

here's the conundrum.
Most gun crime is committed by criminals is done with a handgun because they can get what they want to get done in under 7mins with it and often walk out of the area without being suspected of a thing because they can just stick the gun in their pocket. Liberals will openly say you should only have something as small as a handgun for home defense. That was until the recent ban all guns initiative. Most police can barely ever make it to where you are in 7mins. i'm only using that number because that be the best scenario. The one famous killing spree that was done with a ar15. Was done with a stock ar15 with a scope slapped onto it. The death toll only got so high because the police in that area were complete dumbass's. I don't know if they were spreading false information at the time to push a narrative but someone going around doing drive by shootings with a ar15 is not the same as a sniper with a high powered rifle. In the documentary about it the whole beginning with the cops were them saying it was a high power rifle, but after 10-20 mins they stated the person could have only done it. if they were in a car and if the suspect had a accomplice. it was not a 1 shot kill the person was firing multiple shots each time and missed most of their shots. Yet in the documentary they briefly skim by that fact and only mentioned the number of shot he fired once. Though it was very strange when the police found out the suspect was a muslim immigrant that they stopped reporting on it. I don't think people quite understand how much of a problem labeling someone committing drive by shootings as a serious sniper cause's. With a sniper you could have a good mile at that time period and unless he fired more then one shot it be nearly in possible to pin point the person fast enough to catch up with them. With a dude committing random drive by's in a well funded city on the east coast. They could have easily surrounded the entire area in a 25 miles radius and caught the guy and for all we know because when you think high powered rifle you think some bolt action 30.06 rifle. There might have been a police officer that saw the two but didn't bat a eye because they were told to look for a different rifle. it seems they wanted white guy gone postal and not immigrant has family troubles so he decided to take it out on the whole country. The left only wants to ban ar15's because their afraid someone's going to figure out all the shady shit there actually doing and they don't want to get their brains blown out for it.

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