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No one proved me wrong, did you even try?

Tessa Cunningham
Tessa Cunningham - 672 Vues
672 Vues
Publié le 20 Jun 2020 / Dans

All words and typing are all IMHO:
Thank you for watching and please if you disagree leave a comment and lets discuss.
I was wrong in my thinking of that "defunked" bill they wiped and used, it still don't make sense if it passed the house how was it defunked in only a few months, (it wasn't even a year), whatever, to pass the C.A.R.E.S. Act, which is nothing more than one step closer to socialism, which come on, is nothing more than the soft core porn of communism, and was a giant theft of the American peoples money. And people cheered for the tiny bit of crumb, yes crumb, they received.
Bullard did tell us in March this was a planned, organized partial shutdown of the US economy now we know why, the economy was going to take a huge shit, to bad Trump will be the president that was during this time of plan demic, he will be known as the one of the worst presidents there ever was, and his ego is soooo huge, will he be able to handle it? Yes the worse, well til the next president who will sell us even further to the bankers and the new world order. He is NOT for the people, sorry guys but he is not. He is nothing more than the next puppet put in place to fuck the people further. So why not wrap a live exercise into the planned and organized take down of the US economy, just for the second quarter, we can hope anyway.

These are not in order of video.

The shadow government has a shadow bank LOL couldn't help myself
We all need to pay more attention (yes I'm guilty of it so I'm blaming everyone else for me not paying attention, squirrel)

They are trying to MURDER small business.

How many just willingly complied with these LIARS? How many did not bother to question? Fauci has been there for 5 presidents, yet when Barry had H1N1, which killed way more people, or that is what we are told, and yet he never came out and said SHUT IT ALL DOWN, WE ARE ALL GONNA DIE, why? Think people, why it's still legal.

 You can ONLY look at only die because of, not with this and that and we are to lazy to actually figure out what they die of (all to get more tax payers money, the government has no actual money) Coumo murdered how many grandmas and grandpas for more money? I will only accept NO UNDERLYING CONDITIONS as actual deaths that died because of it, but how do we know this wasn't just something like SARS going around again and that is why not many died from it, a lot had the immune to fight it off, ya know anti-bodies.

I can find nothing on this website but this is the website that John Hopkins is using as well as others. So take their information as it, I am. I don't fully trust it but if this is the site, but lets go by the numbers they want to use, how come NY is still on lockdown for 99 deaths, and by lockdown I mean loss of fresh air.
It IS all about the funding

I am NOT an anti masker, I'm just a fresh air kinda gal

Have a blessed day
and know SPIRIT loves you

IF you actually read this whole then write Yes I did in the comment and soon I will do another GAW and you will be added, just have a non bot acct and a way for me to get ahold of you.

Thank you

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