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Coronavirus, the Basics.

The Father of History
The Father of History - 247 Views
Published on 28 May 2020 / In Film and Animation

Coronavirus, the Basics:
This virus (NOT spreaded into the World because they can't afford the consequences) was made in the Lab, in the 80's last century, as biological weapon against URSS (not only for humans, but also for dogs, chickens etc.., which could be brought to enemy teritories and infect the people there). AFTER the Wall fell, they (Big Pharma, through different puppet corporations) kept making and patenting countless different variants of this virus, daily, EVEN TODAY (when we are urged to stay inside ("because the virus is dangerous"), 3 new patents of Coronavirus appearing daily on the official international patents site ( ), now a total of 31,000 (31 THOUSAND!!!) different Coronaviruses exists, and patented, DAILY, uninterrupted, up to this day, 28 of May, 2020.
They are nakeing now a NANOBOTS vaccins, and work on LAW projects to implement MANDATORY VACCINS allover the World, in order to controll the people through the nanobots (comes into the body through nanobots vaccins, or through supermarket food infected with nanobots), which do EVERYTHING the Talmud-ian Masons at the buttons (of the 5G system) tells them to do, the nanobots being triggerd and lead to their goal through the 5G applications system.

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The Father of History
The Father of History 4 years ago  

This virus (NOT spreaded into the World because they can't afford the consequences) was made in the Lab, in the 80's last century, as biological weapon against URSS (not only for humans, but also for dogs, chickens etc.., which could be brought to enemy teritories and infect the people there). AFTER the Wall fell, they (Big Pharma, through different puppet corporations) kept making and patenting countless different variants of this virus, daily, EVEN TODAY (when we are urged to stay inside ("because the virus is dangerous"), 3 new patents of Coronavirus appearing daily on the official international patents site ( ), now a total of 31,000 (31 THOUSAND!!!) different Coronaviruses exists, and patented, DAILY, uninterrupted, up to this day, 28 of May, 2020.
They are nakeing now a NANOBOTS vaccins, and work on LAW projects to implement MANDATORY VACCINS allover the World, in order to controll the people through the nanobots (comes into the body through nanobots vaccins, or through supermarket food infected with nanobots), which do EVERYTHING the Talmud-ian Masons at the buttons (of the 5G system) tells them to do, the nanobots being triggerd and lead to their goal through the 5G applications system.

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