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CNN Anderson Cooper "Your show is horrible" SAFELY!

Gee Gee Tee
Gee Gee Tee - 984 Vues
984 Vues
Publié le 12 Jun 2020 / Dans

While Gyms are being shutdown and members being arrested... Tyranny is running RAMPANT in our country.
Also, according to Nancy Pelosi, it is now okay to FAT SHAME people?!
This one's gonna STING!
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Johnny Exodice
Johnny Exodice 4 années depuis

Teacher…, Since WAR IS MURDER, and To Kill another [human being] is against The LAW of G.O.D. then what G.O.D. does the U.S. Military FLAG Serve.?.?.?.? We must never forget that the ACT OF 1871 {U.S. FLAG} /_\ is nothing more then a (Peice of Cloth) / * \ used by S.A.T.A.N. and L.U.C.I.F.E.R. to have BLACK African American “Citizens” kill and murder Dark Skin U.S. Citizens… Not only that……., but WHITE AMERICAN CITIZENS are murdering and killing “Light Skin” Blue Eyed U.S. Citizens all the time in these WARS of the [U.S. FLAG] [{**}] that has been teaching that to [Kill] +=+ is good when we all know to Kill is too MURDER!!! You People of the Military no matter the Military all work for the UNITED NATIONS “International Mafia” as the WORLD POLICE called The Peacekeepers……., and whom supplies you with Military Grade [Weapons] [{*}] my Local CIVILIAN POLICE.?.?.?.? Please do so tell me` how shooting another Human Being Resolves the Problem of TRADE??? After all, is not war more about [MADE IN CHINA] then MADE IN THE USA!!! The FREE MASON are (COVID19) and they have locked down the whole wide world of the “WWW” with their FAKE Bat Snake (Cobe Burger) Corona Beer Agenda 21 + 30… The People have put on THE MASK of Slavery when the “U.S. Government” and all other GOVERNMENTS live off the TAXES of we the Tax Paying Persons, People, and Populations, and yet every RELIGION says that to “Kill and Murder” is against THE LAW OF G.O.D., so why is it “legal” for your LEADERS to send you off too WAR to kill and murder ONE ANOTHER cause Trump and Pence and Xi and the Pope ALL WANT WAR in their Duality Double Talk??? Are not they all breaking the RULE OF LAW that states: To Murder is against the LAW OF NATURE!!!! Moreover, since Murder is against the LAW of Allah, Buddha, and any other [incantation] of a God, but The Devil and his minions, then whom actually runs your NATION where your POLICE “have Weapons” to MURDER WE Their Fellow Tax Paying Citizens; as will as, YOUR U.S. MILITARY have weapons to murder WE THE PEOPLE, and Tax Paying Citizens of our Nations.?.?.?.? As I have shown you, Hollywood and Bollywood {Glorify Murder} and Killing and Rape and Death, and all these things, and thoughts, and GRAVEN IMAGES are against the RELIGION you so attend……., and then your Leaders say India must Murder “people” in Pakistan and China, and your leaders say: The U.S. FLAG is a Flag of WAR HEROES?????? WAR IS MURDER and MURDER IS AGAINST THE LAW!!!!!, so they are not Heroes for that would be saying “Evil is Good” and Good is Evil!!!! You in the Military whom have killed WE THE PEOPLE are Guilty of the highest crime, and that is too MURDER your “fellow humans” no matter their Skin Tone be it dark to light, no matter their [eye colors] be they brown to green, and no matter their Hair Color be it Blond to BLACK BLACK BLACK, and you people say Black Lives Matter??? What of all the Dead in the Middle East with BLACK HAIR ONLY.?.?.?.? The Book of EXODICE!!!

At 2:13 in this Video the [192 U.N. FLAGS] take commands and orders “about whom” to MURDER each year from these {5 Permanent} +=+ U.N. FLAGS being China – U.K. - France – Russia – USA, and in that` these 5 Pentagram “Pyramid” PEOPLE plan out ever war since the end of WORLD WAR TWO in 1945……., and they decided the WARS in Korea – Vietnam – Congo – Chili – Iraq – Yemen – Syria and on and on as they all FAKE SPACE in our (FLAT EARTH) Celestial Sphere Home World of Purgatory!!!!!

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Teacher…, Since WAR IS MURDER, and To Kill another [human being] is against The LAW of G.O.D. then what G.O.D. does the U.S. Military of {MADE IN CHINA} FLAG Serve.?.?.?.?

The Society of nonmason~


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