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5-4-2020 - Q - No One Had to Die - Fauci Knew the Cure all Along

Dustin Nemos
Dustin Nemos - 789 Views
Published on 05 May 2020 / In Film and Animation

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Johnny Exodice
Johnny Exodice 4 years ago

The Pieces of The CLOCK go tick tock…

To think that there are other REALMS and DIMENSIONS, and that when we sleep and dream, OUR eternal immortal immaterial beings traverse from here to there throughout our life walk on this place known as The Celestial Sphere of Planet Earth!!! It had never occurred to me that EVERY STAR in the Night Sky used to be called The Angels in Heaven, but once that knowledge was known, then it only made since that ASTRONOMY was not about this NASA Lie with its illusion and disillusion of Black Holes and Mystic SATURN Worship, but that Venus was a Wandering Star just as the Book of Knowledge the Old Bible does so teach, and in that` What we thought was a book on G.O.D. turned out to be A PORTAL on the many misconceptions “we the people” have been taught since The Great Nuclear Hydrogen War of 1853 to 1854….

Moreover, that Life is way more intrinsic……., and A Tapestry of the Unknown then ever was imagined before!!! However, as this (COVID19) Alien Invasion of PROJECT BLUE BEAM goes on, I see we are being Attacked by 5G Eugenics Weather Weapons, and from HARRP and DARPA Trillion Watt Lazers, this place of our Celestial Sphere Duel Flat Earth is under attack by Doppelgangers whom look just like you and me, but they are the reason for The Mandela Effect!!! This too me is a most disturbing effect, and affect cause it means The President of These UNITED STATES Mr. Donald Johnny Exodice TRUMP is from another Dimension and Realm, and though he looks “just like” Donald The JEW of this TV SHOW reality……., he was brought here “by those” whom keep WE THE PEOPLE whom are “nonmason” in a SEDITIOUS System of Treachery where [Out Sliders] to our Celestial Sphere have turned all RULE OF LAW into a SLAVE MASTER Ownership of we “The Tax Payer” into a concoction of OBEY – COMPLY - SBUMIT!!!

For Anyone who REMEMBERS that TV Show SLIDERS, you might have more hidden in plain sight then you would have ever thought possible, yet, when each and every ASTRON from Astronomy is a Simulation Electromagnetic Celestial Sphere just as this one known as Mother Heaven and Father FLAT EARTH, then you know in a SIMULATION {anything can exist} from Thinking Feeling EMOTIONAL Robots to Android to Insect to Reptilian Monsters – Vampires – Werewolves – Pirates and even INCUBUS and Succubus “throughout” the ESOTERIC and Corporeal Multi-Verse where they can do Time Travel, and TIME LOOPS, and trap a whole “Society and Civilization” in a De-Ja-Vu Oraborus Curse!!! If all this information seems like Science Fiction.?.?.?.?.?, then you are still under their Spell, and Hypnotism, and Mesmerize-ation of LET US ENTERTAIN YOU!!!!!, so we can feed off of YOUR Energy and Soul and Person….

THE TV SHOWS are made to keep you in A State of Un-Reality where you become “dependent” on the TV SCREEN to tell you whom you are, where you are, and what you are, but in truth, this is just one of many WEAPONS from Radio to News Papers for “all these” JADE HELM 15 (COVID19) FREE MASON Lodges to run your towns, your cities, and Your Nations!!! Mostly though….., it is to keep you in your place, so they can “Trick or Treat” you into WAR after WAR after WAR as other Realms and Declensions “get off on” [{**}] we Humans Killing Humans for their Enjoyment, Gambling, and Perverse Desires to see man hurting, and harming, and murdering man “be we” male and female and young too old……., and in that, these MACHINE PEOPLE from other Realms and Dimensions have set up all these “5G Towers” and 5G Weapons to decimate this Celestial Sphere once and for all as they take all our land, water, and air back to their “Celestial Spheres” in this never ending Dr. WHO war of the Time Lords…..

Johnny Exodice

If you do not know Big Words or How to Read, THEY LIVE will always Own You!!!! Therefore, learn Big Words and use them when you speak and ALWAYS look up words {you thought you knew} +=+ their True Intention…..

The Commander~

These Beings from other Worlds known as (Doppelgangers) /_\ whom have REPLACED our World Leaders……., and They are these “Global Citizens” of all FREE MASON / * \ Lodges as the Pyramid People teaching FAKE SPACE – Fake DNA – False History, and this PROJECT BLUE BEAM (COVID19) Alien Takeover of our Planet Earth!!!!!

The Rag Tag Rebellion!!!!!

THEY LIVE use these “Stock and Bonds” to keep you HUMANS in Stockades and Bondage!!! Oh yeah, all that ROAD WORK in the Dirt along the Highways is for SELF DRIVING CARS and Semi Trucks!!! Now you know, and now it can be told to others FACE TO FACE!!!

Remember our CODE WORDS of “U.N. Troops” and [Global Citizens] means these PROJECT BLUE BEAM (COVID19) FREE MASON lodge members “in your” home towns that YOU MUST “my nonmason” kill them all be they {10 years old} to 105 years old for these SOLIDS with them ALL BLACKED OUT EYES like TRUMPS WIFE are The Enemy from (Other Realms) and Dimensions in our Human Domain Celestial Sphere Home World of Purgatory!!!

The Society of nonmason~


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