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Nancy Pelosi explains how to use the Media to Smear political opponents

AnonArrow2 - 686 Views
Published on 22 Nov 2020 / In People and Blogs

Nancy Pelosi explains how to deliberately use the media to smear political opponents.

Note: Democrat fake fact check sites say that Nancy Pelosi here is not talking about what she and Democrats do, but that she is accusing Republicans of doing this. These fake fact check sites are right in that she initially is speaking about Republicans (before this clip begins) but wrong in that it is clear that Nancy Pelosi transitions in her description, and is speaking in a much more general way about the tactic in question.

One giveaway that she is speaking in the broader context is that there is no accusatory tone to her description, and in fact, she seems to relish explaining a "strategy" that is used. It's clear that she believes both sides use this tactic, and that it is just "politics."

So, the Democrat fact check sites are incorrect in their assertions that Nancy Pelosi is accusing Republicans of using this tactic, and she is not speaking of a tactic that she, and her party, uses all the time. She's just explaining how to smear a political opponent. And this is a tactic she is familiar with, and the fact that she uses this tactic, and her party uses this tactic, is corroborated every time they use the tactic.

Democrats use this strategy continuously on President Trump and for a good example of their skill in it, check out what they did to Brett Kavanaugh during his Supreme Court confirmation hearings.

A longer version of the clip is found here on C-span

Thank You to C-Span for archiving, and making available historical clips like this one. To see their wonderful collection of clips, and the unedited versions of the clips posted here, please visit their site at:

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