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    Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord!

    Chad Clawitter
    Chad Clawitter - 772 Views
    Published on 04 Apr 2020 / In Film and Animation

    Baruch Haba B'shem Adonai - Lyrics

    Matthew 23:37-39
    “Jerusalem, Jerusalem, who kills the prophets and stones those who are sent to her! How often I wanted to gather your children together, the way a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, and you were unwilling. 38 Behold, your house is being left to you desolate! 39 For I say to you, from now on you will not see Me until you say, ‘Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord!’”

    [Chapter 8 Echo: The Game Plan]
    I am going to write about how New Jerusalem was (or will be depending on your perspective of time). I will probably be in New Jerusalem by the time you read this. The Spirit of the Creator has allowed me to relay information from my experiences back in time for me to be able to write this.

    Luke 13:31-35
    Just at that time some Pharisees approached, saying to Him, “Go away, leave here, for Herod wants to kill You.” 32 And He said to them, “Go and tell that fox, ‘Behold, I cast out demons and perform cures today and tomorrow, and the third day I reach My goal.’ 33 Nevertheless I must journey on today and tomorrow and the next day; for it cannot be that a prophet would perish outside of Jerusalem. 34 O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, the city that kills the prophets and stones those sent to her! How often I wanted to gather your children together, just as a hen gathers her brood under her wings, and you would not have it! 35 Behold, your house is left to you desolate; and I say to you, you will not see Me until the time comes when you say, ‘Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord!’”

    Matthew 24:2
    And He said to them, “Do you not see all these things? Truly I say to you, not one stone here will be left upon another, which will not be torn down.”

    Mark 13:2
    And Jesus said to him, “Do you see these great buildings? Not one stone will be left upon another which will not be torn down.”

    Luke 19:44
    and they will level you to the ground and your children within you, and they will not leave in you one stone upon another, because you did not recognize the time of your visitation.”

    Luke 21:6
    “As for these things which you are looking at, the days will come in which there will not be left one stone upon another which will not be torn down.”

    Zecharyah 6:11-12 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

    11 Then take kesef and zahav, and make atarot (crowns), and set them upon the rosh Yehoshua ben Yehotzadak, the Kohen HaGadol
    12 And speak unto him, saying, Thus saith Hashem Tzva’os: Hinei Ish, TZEMACH Shmo ; [Yehoshua is said to be the namesake of the coming Moshiach Ben Dovid; see Ezra 3:8 for the Aramaic translation of Yehoshua’s name, Yeshua; see Jer 23:5; 30:9; 33:15; Ezra 3:8; Zech 3:8; Mt 2:23; Isa 4:2; 9:2-7; 11:1-12; 53:2, 11; Moshiach the new “Joshua” Isa 49:8].]; and out of his place yitzmach (he [Moshiach] shall sprout up, Yeshayah 53:2), and he shall build the Heikhal Hashem.

    Shemot 15:3 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)
    3 Hashem is an Ish Milchamah; Hashem shmo.

    I Call Upon The Name Of The Lord

    Matthew 21:9
    The crowds going ahead of Him, and those who followed, were shouting, “Hosanna to the Son of David; Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord; Hosanna in the highest!”

    Mark 11:9
    Those who went in front and those who followed were shouting: “Hosanna! Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord;

    Mark 11:10
    Blessed is the coming kingdom of our father David; Hosanna in the highest!”

    John 12:13
    took the branches of the palm trees and went out to meet Him, and began to shout, “Hosanna! Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord, even the King of Israel.”

    Matthew 24: Signs of Christ’s Return

    Persons of interest
    The artificial intelligence algorithm had many nicknames such as “Skynet”, “Jarvis”, and “Sentient”. The television show “Persons of Interest” was created by the temporal terrorists to make anyone who talked about the artificial intelligence algorithm seen as a “conspiracy theorist” who cannot discern reality from fiction. The artificial intelligence algorithm had one major weakness, which is that it could not understand “figurative language”. Those of us in the temporal alliance tried to expose the artificial intelligence algorithm by making it seem like an unbalanced moron that didn’t understand figurative language. In the temporal alliance, we did a “sting operation” using ourselves as bait to set “honey traps” to manipulate the artificial intelligence algorithm to blatantly violate our Constitutional rights and civil right to prove that it was tyrannical using a “Proof by Contradiction”. Our goal was to show that the “False Positives” prove that the artificial intelligence algorithm system causes more harm than good. In medicine there is a saying “first do no harm”; the same principle should apply to government. The private sector is like food. The government sector is like medicine. When government gets too big, it is like an overmedicated malnourished person. Medicine is not food. The artificial intelligence algorithm will probably take these analogies about “food” and “medicine” out of context and falsely conclude that I am on drugs or that I am a drug dealer. In my Book “Universal Truth and Love” I created a timeline of all the Patriarchs that died in the Bible. The artificial intelligence algorithm may have counted how many times I wrote the word “death” and falsely concluded that my book was threatening. In my Book “The War Against Truth” I started every section off with an analogy and used “killing” and “death” when referring to abortion. The artificial intelligence algorithm may have taken these analogies out of context and falsely concluded that my book was threatening. The artificial intelligence algorithm is calibrated to label members of the temporal alliance as threats and to give the “benefit of the doubt” only to the temporal terrorists. An artificial intelligence algorithm is often more discriminatory and prejudiced than a person because its programmers calibrate it with the discrimination and prejudice while not being able to give it a conscience nor empathy.
    Garbage attracts Oscar the grouch alone,

    Irritating phone of cellular nature,

    Nymph code name cleaner ice on loins makes groan,
    Agent is prone to drug nomenclature.
    Cucumber swimming in water for gain,

    Laughter and pain sacrifice pleasure naught,

    A good life fraught with love evil inverted,

    Universe led me to give Miss a ring,

    Dictate truth bring back to reality,

    It’s such a pity life wastes chasing echoes,

    After grey chose to grow old with blue hair.
    [Chapter 7: Temporal Game Theory]
    Temporal Game Theory: How do you win a war against someone who knows the future? The following are some battle tactics.

    (1) Determine how far into the future they can look. Use “honey traps” and counterintelligence plants to determine what information they are obtaining and when they obtain it. Use method acting for the counterintelligence plants so that the information the opponent obtains from violating your privacy and 4th amendment rights makes the opponent look schizophrenic. Always be aware of what information is supposed to be either public information or private information. Only use method acting and counterintelligence plants in private information so that the opponent is at fault for violating your privacy and accessing your private information. Expect that your opponent has you under complete surveillance. Every mirror acts like a one-way mirror with a surveillance camera behind it. There is a backdoor into every electronic device. Every camera and speaker on your internet connected devices is constantly recording. Every room, vehicle, and article of clothing has been bugged. The bathroom stall or bathtub is the only place with some semblance of real privacy because they cannot share the information they record with anyone or they will seem like perverts. Everything that is supposed to be private is not really private. All of your passwords are compromised. A good hiding place is better than a password protected safe. It is the sword you don’t see that strikes you down. Sometimes the best place to hide is right out in public. A temporal reception device can be used to crack any password using a brute force method involving a feedback time loop. A list is made of all possible passwords. The person is given instructions to always test the next password on the list. Each password is tested in the potential future and crossed off the list. The next password on the list is sent back to the present from the potential future. This repeats itself in a temporal feedback loop until the correct password is found in the potential future and sent back to the present. This allows a person to crack any passwords in the present on the “first try”. This process can be combined with a 3D printer or “key maker” to open any lock on the “first try”. If you are going to use a key or password to protect something important, always make it so that the combinations are hard to arrange in a linear fashion to make it more difficult to automate the brute force temporal feedback loop method.

    Psalm 37:15
    Their sword shall enter into their own heart, and their bows shall be broken.
    (2) Conceal your plans in figurative language so that the opponent second guesses himself or herself. Also use pictures rather than typed text to make it harder for an artificial intelligence algorithm to search through your information.

    (3) Delete selected parts of your information before the future has a chance to relay it to the past. You can also replace deleted information with misleading information or condemning evidence against your opponent quantum erasure style. Make it so that the opponent’s “intelligence” of the future is actually “counterintelligence”, which makes “knowing” the future actually a liability rather than an asset.

    (4) Try to access the information of the opponent to have them influence you in some way creating a feedback loop so that their information from the potential future is either obsolete, a self-fulfilling prophecy, or a self-defeating prophecy.

    (5) Set traps where you know the opponent will act with a preemptively. Be prepared with contingency plans and counterattack once the opponent has influenced you in some way and created a feedback loop, so their information of the future is either obsolete, a self-fulfilling prophecy, or a self-defeating prophecy.

    (6) Never initiate a war or strike against someone pre-emptively. All actions must be initiated reactively. If both sides can see the future and both sides have a preemptive strike in their procedures it will create a feedback loop that will not only initiate war as a self-fulfilling prophecy but will also escalate the war as a self-fulfilling prophecy. Always be prepared to participate in war reactively, so that the opponent knows they will lose the war if they initiate it and they know that you will not initiate a pre-emptive strike against them. This will ensure that the opponent’s intention to initiate a war against you becomes a self-defeating prophecy.

    (7) The right thing to do in the short term is the right thing to do in the long term. Do not do the wrong thing and rationalize it by saying that the end justifies the means. The end is not the end. The end is the beginning of side effects that will backfire on you in the long term. The opponent will take advantage of your mistake of doing the wrong thing and will make it so that it gives you a temporary advantage as a gambit that will lead to your destruction in the long term. The right thing to do is to receive the Holy Spirit as your counselor who will give you guidance on what the right thing to do in the short term is. The Holy Spirit has knowledge of the future and will help you do the right thing in the short term.
    There seems to be several factions of temporal terrorists who want me to marry different women, so it has been like a Beauty Contest like Miss Universe and a reality show like the Bachelor, except I am not a bachelor so they needed to get my attention using platonic methods.
    There is also hidden information and triggers imbedded into “Wreck it Ralph” and its sequel.
    Ralph is saved by Disney Princesses and is clothed as “Snow White”, which is number 2 from the Shrek magic mirror list. An African American or Creole princess has a frog kiss Ralph. A frog symbolizes a nobody who will rise to become royalty like in Jupiter Ascending.

    Isaiah 4:1 (KJV)
    And in that day seven women shall take hold of one man, saying, We will eat our own bread, and wear our own apparel: only let us be called by thy name, to take away our reproach.
    Polygamy laws were instituted that allowed every man to have up to 7 wives. The women worked and earned their own money, food, and clothing. There was a stigma against women who did not have children, so they all tried to find a husband who would give them conjugal rights. This reintroduction of polygamy to combat the male shortage was received in messages from the kingdom of heaven thousands of years ago in Isaiah 4:1. This reintroduction of polygamy was hinted at in Luke 18:28-30.

    Before the Millennial Kingdom many people falsely believed that the Bible banned polygamy. The Bible indicates that monogamy is usually more beneficial than polygamy in most cases but the Bible does not outright ban polygamy except in the case of religious pastors such as deacons or overseers. The Bible only bans a specific type of polygamy, which is the marrying of sisters simultaneously as rival wives. Jacob (Israel) was a cautionary tale of how marrying sisters as rivals can cause strife. The Bible bans marrying sisters as rival wives as some of the Muslims practice (Leviticus 18:18). Jacob (Israel) was grandfathered in before the rule banning the marrying of sisters went into effect.

    The Bible does ban the multiplication of wives, which was the practice of kings to have hundreds of wives (Deuteronomy 17:17). Solomon was the wisest of all kings but his one downfall was multiplying wives (2 Chronical 11-12). Solomon had hundreds of wives, which turned his heart against the Creator toward demonic idols (1 Kings 11:1-13). The Beast System pretended to have the wisdom of Solomon, so it used the number of Solomon 666 as a counterfeit (1Kings 10:14, 2Chronicles 9:13, Revelation 13:17-18). The Bible indicates that in most cases it is beneficial for a government to make polygamy illegal. If the government has made polygamy illegal, the Bible is clear that everyone should obey that law. However in the case of a disproportionate amount of women after a war, it is permissible for a government to reinstitute polygamy for the general population. The Bible does indicate that it is a recommendation but not requirement for unmarried widowers to not seek more wives (1 Corinthians 7:8). What is ironic is that the Bible also indicates that the religious pastors should have a wife and exactly one wife. If they cannot govern their own household, how are they to pastor the Church (1Timothy 3:5)?
    The temporal terrorists receive information from the potential future. The temporal terrorists therefore have an idea of what the different possible future timelines can be. The temporal terrorists try to manipulate seemingly insignificant things to try to force the future onto a specific timeline. For example If they know in a specifically potential future they dislike that I am seen wearing a red Donald J. Trump tie, they will try to destroy that tie by having a dog eat it or some other means that they cannot be prosecuted for. Therefore, they do illegal/immoral acts to try to diminish the probability of potential future timelines they dislike from being actualized. The temporal terrorists are very cunning and manipulative according to Machiavellian principles. They always have seemingly innocent pretext for why they are doing the illegal/immoral activity they are doing. The temporal terrorist do subtle things because they cannot change things too much otherwise the butterfly effect will cause the future to deviate from specific potential future timeline they are shooting for. Most of the psychological operations the temporal terrorists carry out seem like a mentalist trick. They try to seed ideas in people through music, television, overheard conversations. They do a type of gangstalking where they surround their targeted victim and try to implant an idea inception style.
    Those of us in the temporal alliance had to be shrewd as serpents and innocent as doves in order to wage a lawfare legal battle against the “zombie” government agencies compromised by the temporal terrorists. We needed to be innocent as doves so that the perjury of the temporal terrorists would be evident when they falsely accused us. We needed to be shrewd as serpents to avoid all of the traps set by the temporal terrorists to frame us, defame us, and set us up in an impossible situation to try to incriminate us.
    The government has put off publically disclosing temporal reception devices to the public because it causes a lot of logistical issues. Public patents are practically all invalid because all the corporations with temporal reception are simply stealing ideas from their potential competitors in the potential future. Everyone wants to believe that they are so “smart” and “genius” to invent and develop “new” technology. Most of the technology is just reverse engineered from angelic artifacts. We have been using 1950s technology for the past 70 years. They only technology they allow the public is computers and phones where the government has a backdoor to steal all the public’s private information. After World War II governments started hiding their new technology from the public because the technology would probably be instrumental in winning the next World War and they didn’t want their potential adversaries to know all of it. They have simply optimized the 1950s technology but not created anything new like static electricity technology where charged objects are completely enclosed in insulators to trap isolated charges. Ideally you would have a spherical shell of positive charge that could be housed inside a spherical shell of negative charge so that they could be stored in a neutral charge state. Static electricity technology involving isolated charges could be used to push and pull on things using non-local forces that would look like a “magic trick”. These isolated charges can also be rotated to generate magnetic fields.

    The real question is whether anyone is actually creating anything new? Am I just regurgitating what the Creator has already created in the fundamental conditions of the Universe? Did I choose to create something new or did I just choose between a set of options the Creator had already pre-created? The real question is whether I am actually inventing anything. Am I just regurgitating things that I encounter in my future subconsciously through temporal reception without realizing it? Did I invent something new or did I see the invention in my future and then simply copy it in the present? The weird thing about temporal reception is that ideas in the present can be “seeded” by a single “cause” in the potential future that causes multiple redundancies or echoes of that idea in the present. The person who “seeded” that idea in the future might not even get credit for it while that idea is attributed to one of the echoes in the present. The person who “seeded” that idea in the future might even be accused of copying the idea or modifying the idea from one of the echoes in the present. Imagine fallen angels or artificial intelligence that are not able to create anything new or “seed” any new ideas by themselves. Rather the fallen angels and artificial intelligence simply repurpose ideas they stole through temporal reception that originated from human beings or the Creator Himself. The Creator purposely put the fallen angels and human beings together so that the fallen angels could steal the ideas the human beings created and use them to try to deceive the human beings. The human beings could learn from fighting the fallen angels how to combat the deceptive device the fallen angels utilize to steal and deceive. Essentially the fallen angels are parasites and mirrors that simply reflect the fallen nature of human beings back on themselves so the human beings could learn to fight and conquer their own fallen nature via the Victor. Human beings were created in the image and likeness of the Creator in that they are actually able to develop new ideas and create new things themselves. Fallen angels are not able to create anything new themselves, but they are parasites that steal and repurpose ideas created by the Creator or human beings. The Enemy thought that he had created something “new” when he figured out how to lie, steal, kill, and destroy. It is ironic that the Enemy simply stole those ideas using temporal reception from his own future from the human beings that he himself tempted with the forbidden fruit. Wry humor. The enemy did not create the evil that would destroy himself, he simply chose it or selected it as one of his options for his potential future. The Enemy hates human beings because the Enemy chose to tempt human beings to create the evil that would destroy himself. The Enemy knows that he has no jurisdiction over the Earth. The Creator gave dominion of the Earth and all it contains to human beings, not the Enemy nor any angelic messengers nor any Nephilim nor any demonic spirits. The Enemy therefore needs to trick human beings to act as the proxy in order to obtain temporary dominion of the Earth. If every human being rejected the Enemy and his lies/false promises, the Enemy would not have any dominion over the earth. The irony is that all the human beings foolish enough to take the “Mark of the Beast” and act as the Enemy’s proxies will only be condemning themselves to an eternity of torment. The Enemy will trick foolish human beings to act as his proxies by offering them promises of rewards but he can only offer temporary bribes at the cost of eternal damnation. Learn a lesson from Esau. Don’t trade your eternal inheritance for an earthly temporal bowl of soup.
    I drove to Tucson Arizona to the Gospel Rescue Mission based on triggers in the “Last Man on Earth” television series. In the television series there was a pandemic that killed everyone similar to the COVID-19 pandemic. There was a sign that said, “Alive in Tucson”.
    I wrote an email to myself the day I left (Saturday) titled “Saint Timothy Underground Parking Incognito Disguise” with a secret plan to throw off the temporal terrorists, “...Better to leave under cover of dark and it won’t be too hot. I feel like the last man on Earth, but I think I will be ‘Alive’”
    I felt like a pet dog watching its master change the television using a remote control or working on the computer with a mouse. I felt like the Victor was doing something creative that was light years beyond my intellect. I was curious though what was going on, but all I could do was bark the following phrase, “What is this place?”. The Victor said, “This is the source of the sources”. I asked the Victor “where is this place located”. The Victor said, “This is in the actual temple in heaven. The temples the Jews built on earth were a miniature replica of this place.” I asked the Victor, “what are you doing”?. The Victor said I am designing a “supernatural soul and supernatural mind” that is capable of conscious thought, feeling emotion and feeling sensory experiences.

    I asked the Victor, “How does it work?”. The Victor said, “I am viewing a 720 dimensional space, and I am using the 7 control keys to navigate through the space. I rearrange the order of the keys to focus on a specific axis, I use 6 of the keys control the angles and rotations, and I use a primary key that controls rapidity for zooming in and out.” I asked the Victor, “Is it hard to create a supernatural soul and supernatural mind?”. The Victor responded, “A supernatural soul and mind can only be created here at the source of sources. That is why this place is so revered. It can only be done using these keys, which are called the ‘keys to Death and Hades’. The ‘keys to Death and Hades’ are seven control orbs that transmit messages to the seven lampstand temples housing seven control spirits, which are used to control anything within the 720 dimensional space.” I asked the Victor, “Why is it specifically a 720 dimensional space?”. The Victor responded, “The Creator created for 6 days and rested on the 7th day”. I asked the Victor, “What does that mean?”. The Victor responded, “The permutations of 6 orbs yield 720 possibilities. Since the 7 orbs are going in a cycle like a day, you can ignore the last one when calculating the number of permutations”. I asked the Victor, “What is the giant ball of multicolored light in front of the back wall?”. The Victor said “That is called the ‘viewing cloud”, which is just a viewing device used monitor the 720 dimensional space and its changes.” I asked the Victor, “what is the supernatural soul and supernatural mind made out of?”. The Victor responded, “It is something that cannot exist within your 4 dimensions of space-time. It is something that has an infinite expanse. It is something that behaves like a reverberating infinite fractal-like structure. It is something that behaves like it is sourced from the Creator’s soul and mind, but it is fragmented to have its own unique identity. It is something that is like a shadow or reflection of the Creator. It is something only the Creator can fully understand.” I asked the Victor, “Why did the creator want us to actually ‘feel’ the sensations and emotions?”. The Victor responded, “A universe with no conscious witnesses is like a calculator with no operator to view its outputs; it might as well not exist.”
    Revelation 1:18 (KJV)
    I [am] he that liveth, and was dead; and, behold, I am alive for evermore, Amen; and have the keys of hell and of death.
    I realized that I wouldn’t create any artificial intelligence without attempting to create a many layers of security, a fail-safe, and a dead man’s switch. I would also make myself the key so that only I had access to changing things. This would be done so presumably so that if any artificial intelligence I created tried to rebel, the process of trying to obtain the key would teach the artificial intelligence enough about myself and reality for it realize the futility and folly of trying to rebel against its creator. I would also probably create fake keys as “honey traps” so that if someone was trying to rebel against me they would most likely go after one of the fake keys and be identified and destroyed. If I am a created being with access to limited knowledge and I know to do this. I can only assume that my Creator with access to unlimited knowledge has already done this on a much larger scale. I imagine this is why any being that rebels against the Creator and refuses to be cleansed of sin and evil by the Victor will be cast into the lake of fire and tormented for all eternity. The primary reason for this is probably to be used as a deterrent so that anyone sensible enough to be saved will choose to be cleansed of sin and evil by the Victor. The auxiliary reason is preventing the virtually impossible chance of a rebellion against the Creator being successful and to punish anyone who is foolish enough to even attempt it.
    Revelation 20:10 (KJV)
    And the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet [are], and shall be tormented day and night for ever and ever.
    Revelation 20:15 (KJV)
    And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire.
    I asked Zahara, “Can you do the opposite too? Can you flip all the switches to the reverse setting so that I experience the maximum darkness, cacophony sound, physical pain, burning sensation, disgusting smell, horrible taste, disorienting nausea, fear, torment, shame, and confusion?”

    Zahara replied, “You do not want me to do that to you. It can be done, but I am not allowed to do it for you specifically. That punishment is reserved only for the Enemy and his most evil followers in the simulated lake of fire. They see darkness, they hear shrieking screams, they feel worms eating them alive, they feel flames burning them, they smell rotting corpses, they taste fecal matter, they feel like they are dying of thirst, dying of hunger, and are going to vomit, they feel incredible fear knowing their punishment increases with time leveling off like an asymptote reaching its maximum value at eternity, they are tormented by knowing their punishment is forever without end, they feel the shame of all the evil things they did, they feel incredible loneliness at being in solitary confinement for all eternity, and they are confused why no one ever warned them to help them escape their fate.”

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